Nunuk Haryatun(1*), Agus Sudaryanto(2),

(1) Perawat RS dr Moewardi. Jln. Kolonel Sutarto 132 Surakarta
(*) Corresponding Author


Background: Head Trauma Patient in emergency care unit. Emergency need the which quickly. delay of
head trauma treatment cause the handicap which remain to because damage of brain network or even
generate the death. Very depended to and also the quality of [gift/ giving] [of] help to save the soul or prevent
the handicap since in place occurence, on the way till hospital help . This Research aim to to know the time
difference respon time the nursing care of head trauma lead the category I-V . Method: Sample taken by
counted 60 patient by applying technique non probability. Appliance of data collecting in this research use
the fundamental method in the form of observation. Data gathered in this research is later then analysed with
the different test [of] mean. Result of: Research Result indicate that: ( 1) there are difference which signifikan
time listen carefully the treatment action of wounded patient lead the category I V. Result of test anova
obtain;get the f value accepted [at] level signifikansi 5%. ( 2) Time research listen action [of] [at] wounded
patient lead the category I - V in RSUD Dr. inferential Moewardi Surakarta that terdaat of time difference
listen carefully the treatment action at wounded patient categorize the I - II, III - IV, and IV - V, but to
categorize the II-III do not show the existence of difference. This matter indicate that the each category of
emergency condition of head trauma patient lead the category I - V need the different handling as according
to requirement and condition of patient. (3) wounded Patient lead the category I obtain;get the longer
treatment action (mean 98,33 minute) and wounded patient lead the category V obtain;get the quicker
treatment action (mean 33,91 minute.


Head trauma patient; nursing care; respon time

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