Object Segmentation on UAV Photo Data to Support the Provision of Rural Area Spatial Information

Nurwita Mustika Sari(1*), Dony Kushardono(2)

(1) Pusat Pemanfaatan Penginderaan Jauh, LAPAN
(2) Pusat Pemanfaatan Penginderaan Jauh, LAPAN
(*) Corresponding Author


The use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) to take aerial photographs is increasing in recent years. Photo data taken by UAV become one of reliable detailed-scale  remote sensing data sources. The capability to obtain cloud-free images and the flexibility of time are some of the advantages of UAV photo data compared to satellite images with optical sensor. Displayed area at the data shows the objects clearly. Rural area has certain characteristics in its land cover namely ricefield. To delineate the area correctly there is an object-based image analysis methods (OBIA) that could be applied. In this  study, proposed a novel method to  execute the separation of objects that exist in the data with segmentation method. The result shows an effective segmentation method to separate different objects in rural areas recorded on UAV image data. The accuracy obtained is 90.47% after optimization process. This segmentation can be a valid basis to support the provision of spatial information in rural area.

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