“Kalibokong Theology” and Moeslim Abdurrahman’s Transformative Islamic Education

Zuly Qodir(1*)

(1) Department of Government Affairs and Public Administration Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
(*) Corresponding Author


This paper discusses the idea of Transformative Islamic Education with Teologi Kalibokong as the illustration. Teologi Kalibokong is used by Moeslim Abdurrahman to describe the disadvantaged situations endured by marginal societies for being exploited by middlemen and capitalists. Nevertheless, those situations cover many aspects including social, economy, education, and politics. From the perspective of Islamic jurisprudence, marginal society becomes a group of people who are less religious. They are presumed as less religious believers. Related to this, Moeslim Abdurrahman introduces the significance of particular theology for the oppressed (al-mustad'afin), which is the building of Islamic theology as the spirit of Transformative Islamic Education that generates people who capable of breaking the impasse of social injustice with critical Islamic and non-judgmental approaches.


Kalibokong Theology; Moeslim Abdurrahman; Transformative Islamic Education

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