H Husnayetti(1*), Ellya Sestri(2), Irma Novida(3),

(1) STIE Ahmad Dahlan Jakarta
(2) STIE Ahmad Dahlan Jakarta
(3) STIE Ahmad Dahlan Jakarta
(*) Corresponding Author


Retail business is currently showing a rapid growth. Rapid retail development has a significant
impact on sales turnover which also increased significantly, in which one source of increase in sales
turnover comes from unplanned purchases or better known as impulse buying. Impulse buying can
occur due to stimulus in the department stores, which is an external stimuli. This research focuses
on the influence of external stimuli such as price, promotion and customer service to impulse
buying customer at Block M Square. Purposive sampling is used for sampling techniques that
takes150 respondents and multiple linear regression analysis as data analysis techniques. From
the results of the research analysis found that the variables such as price, promotion and customer
service have simultaneously significant effect on customer decisions in impulsive purchase. From
the three independent variables: Price (X1
), Promotion (X2
) and Customer Service (X3
), it can be
concluded that the independent variable consumer service (X3
) has positive effect of 0.484 to the
dependent variable impulse buying (Y), the independent variable promotion (X2
) has a positive
influence of 0.331 to the dependent variable impulse buying (Y), the independent variable price
) has negative influence of 0.196 to the dependent variable impulse buying (Y). The variable
that has the greatest influence on impulse buying variable is positive customer service variable
). Related to the results of these studies, retailers should be able to improve the ability of
shopkeepers by providing them with more detailed knowledge relevant to the offered product.

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