Application of Imprecise Decision Modeling for Regional Development Policies in Indonesia
Novita Erlinda(1*), Akhmad Fauzi(2), Akhmad Fauzi(3), Slamet Sutomo(4), Slamet Sutomo(5), Eka Intan Kumala Putri(6), Eka Intan Kumala Putri(7)(1) School of Rural Planning and Development Bogor Agricultural University
(2) School of Rural Planning and Development Bogor Agricultural University
(3) School of Rural Planning and Development Bogor Agricultural University
(4) School of Rural Planning and Development Bogor Agricultural University
(5) School of Rural Planning and Development Bogor Agricultural University
(6) School of Rural Planning and Development Bogor Agricultural University
(7) School of Rural Planning and Development Bogor Agricultural University
(*) Corresponding Author
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