Irin Manila Choiriyah(1*),

(*) Corresponding Author


This research aims at finding out and describing the learning strategies used by
twelfth year students to upgrade their English for facing national examination of
SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Sukoharjo. The type of this research is descriptive
qualitative which aims to describe the strategies applied by the twelfth year
students for facing national examination. The methods of collecting the data are
observation, interview, and documentation. The data are taken from the subject of
the research in the form of field notes, interview, and document. The result of the
research shows that the twelfth year students use kinds of learning strategies
based on O‟Malley and Chamot: meta-cognitive, cognitive, and social-affective
strategies. The first subject is AM. He uses 10 strategies which consist of 4 in
meta-cognitive, 4 in cognitive, 2 in social-affective. The second subject is AA.
She uses 9 strategies which consist of 4 in meta-cognitive, 3 in cognitive. The
third subject is SF uses 10 strategies which consist of 5 in meta-cognitive, 4 in
cognitive, 1 in social-affective. The fourth subject is WIN. He uses 6 strategies
which consist of 2 in meta-cognitive, 3 in cognitive, 1 in social-affective. The
students of software engineering who has higher mark apply more strategies than
students of motorcycle engineering. Thus, the researcher can conclude that
learning strategies used by software engineering are more effective to help the
students for facing national examination. In specific, those are strategies used by
students of software engineering which did not use by students of motorcycle
engineering namely, note taking strategy and cooperation strategy.
Key words: learning, learning strategies, national examination, strategy

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