Reny Mirza Febriyanti(1*),

(*) Corresponding Author


This research describes types of technique used by the English teacher of SMA N
2 Sukoharjo to develop students’ English speaking skill, the purposes of each
technique, teacher’s roles, student’s roles, and instructional material. The type of
this research is descriptive qualitative especially Naturalistic. Methods used in
this research are: observation, interview, filed note, and documentation. The
result shows that the type of technique used by the English teacher in teaching
learning process to develop students’ speaking skill at SMA N 2 Sukoharjo such
are Group Work Presentation, Drama, and Song. Teacher’s roles in teaching
learning process such as teacher as a Controller, as a Prompter, as an Assessor, as
an Organizer, as an Observer, and as an Model. Student’s roles in teaching
learning process such are student as a Planner, as a Member, and as a Tutor.
Material used by the English teacher in teaching learning process is “Bahasa dan
Sastra Inggris: Peminatan Ilmu Bahasa dan Budaya” written by Hidayat,
(2013). The conclusion in this research is the English teacher at SMA N 2
Sukoharjo used various techniques to develop students’ speaking skill in teaching
learning process. Various techniques used by the teacher in teaching learning
process make the student more active, more creative and the student more
enthusiastic in teaching learning process especially in speaking activity in the
classroom. Various techniques also make the student not bored when learning
process, the students’ fun, enjoyed and confident when learning speaking process.
Based on the observation, the use of technique in teaching learning process is
very important to make situation in classroom more interesting and make the
student enthusiastic in learning process.
Key words: Classroom Technique in Teaching Speaking, Instructional Material,
Student’s and Teacher’s Roles

Full Text:



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