Arifah Nurul Fauzi(1*),

(*) Corresponding Author


The major problem of this study is describing the struggle to fight against
tyrannical regime in Chechnya reflected in Leo Tolstoy’s Hadji Murad. The
objective of this study is to analyze the novel based on Marxist approach.
The writer employs qualitative method. The object of the study is Leo
Tolstoy’s novel Hadji Murad published in 1904. The writer uses two data
sources: primary and secondary. The primary data source is the text of Hadji
Murad by Leo Tolstoy, published by Pensylvania State University and the
secondary data source are references and materials related to the study which
are taken from books or internet. The technique of data collection is
documentation and the technique of data analysis is descriptive analysis.
Based on the analysis, the writer gets two conclusions. First, through Hadji
Murad novel, Tolstoy delivers a message that hero is a matter of perspective.
Second, the Hadji Murad novel reflects the social realities of the Chechen
Muslims in the struggling against the Russian tyrannical regime that reflect
Tolstoy’s support to the proletariat class.
Key words: Hadji Murad, Marxist, regime, struggle, tyranny, Tolstoy

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