Sinung Bawono(1*), Ismail Maryanto(2), Mujaddid Idulhaq(3)

(1) Orthopaedic & Traumatology Departement Faculty of Medicine Sebelas Maret University and Prof.Dr.dr.R.Soeharso Orthopaedic Hospital, Solo
(2) Orthopaedic & Traumatology Departement Faculty of Medicine Sebelas Maret University and Prof.Dr.dr.R.Soeharso Orthopaedic Hospital, Solo
(3) Orthopaedic & Traumatology Departement Faculty of Medicine Sebelas Maret University and Prof.Dr.dr.R.Soeharso Orthopaedic Hospital, Solo
(*) Corresponding Author



Total hip arthroplasty (THA) merupakan pilihan bagi hampir semua pasien dengan kelainan sendi panggul yang menyebabkan ketidaknyamanan dan gangguan fungsi. Hasil jangka panjang yang baik dikarenakan perangkat endoprosthetic tersebut mampu memberikan kemampuan menahan beban, mempertahankan fungsi, rentang gerak dan stabilitas. Peneliti  mencoba untuk mengevaluasi skor hip fungsional pasien osteoarthritis pinggul dengan defek pada acetabulum yang dilakukan tindakan THA dengan acetabuloplasty di Rumah Sakit Ortopedi X, Surakarta, sejak Januari - September 2016. Kemudian kami evaluasi untuk fungsional hip pasien sebelum dan sesudah operasi menggunakan Harris Hip Skor (HHS). Berdasarkan data yang diperoleh didapat jumlah sampel perempuan 18 pasien dan laki-laki 14 pasien. Pada karekter umur rentang umur sampel antara 49 tahun sampai 66 tahun. Penilaian skor HHS sebelum operasi memiliki rentang nilai 20,8 sampai dengan 69,4. Hasil pengukuran skor HHS terhadap sampel yang dilakukan setelah tindakan operasi adalah sebagai berikut Fair 9 pasien, Good 13 pasien, dan Excellent 10 pasien. Hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa THA dan Acetabuloplasty memberikan hasil terapi terbaik pada pasien Osteoarthritis dengan defek acetabulum, meliputi kemampuan menahan beban tubuh, fungsi , rentang gerak dan stabilitas sendi.

Kata Kunci: Osteoartritis Hip, Defek Acetabulum, THA, Total Hip Artroplasty, Acetabuloplasty, Harris Hip Score



Total hip arthroplasty (THA) is an option for almost all patients with hip joint abnormalities that cause discomfort and disruption of significant function. This is because of good long-term results that the endoprosthetic device gives regarding the ability of weight-bearing, function, range of motion and stability of hip joint. We try to evaluate the functional hip score  of  hip  osteoarthritis patients with defects in the acetabulum, performed THA with acetabuloplasty in X Orthopaedic Hospital since January until September 2016. Then we evaluated for patient’s functional outcome before and after operation using Harris Hip Score (HHS). From 32 patients were reviewed and identified, there were 18 females and  14 males,  mean age was 57,5 y.o (range 49-66 y.o). All had primary THA and Acetabuloplasty. There were  10 patients have excellent functional outcome(90-100 based on Harris Hip Score/HHS),  13 patients have good functional outcome (80-0), 9 patients  have fair functional outcome (70 – 79),  no patient have poor functional outcome (60 – 69) and have failed functional outcome (below 60). In this study we concluded that THA and acetabuloplasty  gives  best treatment for osteoarthritis patient with acetabular defects , regarding the ability of weight-bearing, function, range of motion and stability of hip joint.

Keyword : Osteoartritis Hip, Acetabular Defect, THA, Total Hip Arthroplasty,Acetabuloplasty, Harris Hip’s Score

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