Fishing Ground Mapping Model in The Semi-Enclosed Saleh Bay, West Nusa Tenggara

Anang Dwi Purwanto(1*), Ulung Jantama Wisha(2), Erick Karno Hutomo(3)

(1) Remote Sensing Applications Center, LAPAN
(2) Research Institute for Coastal Resources and Vulnerability, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries
(3) Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Diponegoro University
(*) Corresponding Author


Saleh Bay is a semi-enclosed area of water in Nusa Tenggara Barat Province that is enriched by fisheries resources. The bay’s strategic position, surrounded by several small islands, makes it an area of fertile water. An area of water is considered a potentially ideal fishing ground if it contains several oceanographic phenomena, including thermal fronts and upwelling. Fishing activities in Saleh Bay have been found to be ineffective and inefficient due to local people’s continued use of traditional methods such as fishing by signs of nature (instincts), wind direction, astrological signs and previous experience. This study aimed to create a mapping model of the fishing grounds in Saleh Bay based on remote sensing satellite data. Spatial analysis of daily level 3 images from the Suomi-National Polar-Orbiting Partnership (SNPP) was conducted throughout January and August 2019. The image acquisition period was adapted based on the seasonal system of Indonesia. The study area was determined based on thermal front events as identified by sea surface temperature (SST) data analysed using statistical regression with a Non-Linear Multi-Channel SST (NLSST) approach. An ideal fishing ground is characterised by several oceanographic settings such as upwelling and thermal front occurrence. The average SST distribution in January 2019 was relatively high, ranging from 30.39 to 33.70 oC, while in August 2019, the temperature declined significantly, ranging from 25.09 to 29.30 oC. Concerning the fishing ground model, a plethora of potential fishing ground areas were identified in August compared to January 2019, at 144 and 42 points respectively. This reflected the density of the fishing grounds observed. The fishing grounds were most likely to be concentrated in the bay mouth during the southwest monsoon and within the bay near the plateau during the northeast monsoon. The seasonal variability of Saleh Bay played a significant role in the spatial extraction of the fishing ground data.


Fishing Ground, Thermal Front, Density, SNPP-VIIRS, Saleh Bay

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