Forum Geografi, 31(1), 2017; DOI: 10.23917/forgeo.v31i1.3612
Dynamic Land Resources
Management at the Mount Kelud, Indonesia
1 Doctoral Program of Geography, Faculty of Geography, Universitas Gadjah Mada
2 Faculty of Geography, Universitas Gadjah Mada
*) Corresponding
Author (e-mail:
Received: 09 March 2017
/ Accepted: 05 May 2017 / Published: 01 July 2017
There is a
contradictive situation between the theory that believes that high volcanic
hazard areas should be for limited production zones and those areas that are
intensively utilised for several production activities. This paper tries
to discuss that contradictive situation from both the perspective of natural
hazards and natural resources, therefore, the best options for the land utilisation
pattern might be formulated at these high volcanic hazards areas. We conducted
landscape analysis that covers volcanic morphology, volcanic materials, and
both natural and artificial processes that modify the morphology and materials
characteristics. The natural processes occurring in the high volcanic hazard
might cover non-volcanic processes such as erosion and landslide. The
artificial processes were usually considered
as land utilisation activities by the local community. In such areas where both
natural and artificial processes occurred, we conducted in-depth interviews to
assess the community perception on thread and benefits of the last Kelud
Eruption in February 2014. We evaluated the current land resources utilisation
and portrayed the local adaptive land resource utilisation. There were three
types of land resources available at the active volcano: space, natural
scenery, and volcanic materials. The availability of these land resources was
in a dynamic condition both in terms of
quality and quantity. Immediately after the eruption, the natural scenery made
the area attractive as a tourist destination. Following the high intensity of
rainfall, the volcanic materials might be used
as high-quality construction materials. The available space might be utilised for
any purposes after the situation became relatively stable. The current space was mostly used for agricultural enterprises
which accommodates the physical and
socio-cultural characteristics of the active volcano environment.
Keywords: volcano, land, resources, management, Mount Kelud.
situasi kontradiktif antara teori yang mengatakan bahwa kawasan gunungapi
dengan tingkat bahaya yang tinggi harus digunakan untuk zona produksi terbatas,
namun pada kenyataannya wilayah tersebut digunakan secara intensif untuk
beberapa kegiatan pertanian. Penelitian ini mencoba untuk membahas situasi
kontradiktif dari kedua perspektif, bencana alam dan sumberdaya alam, oleh
karena itu, pola pemanfaatan lahan menjadi pilihan terbaik yang dapat
diformulasikan pada kawasan gunungapi dengan tingkat bahaya yang
tinggi. Kami melakukan analisis bentanglahan yang mencakup morfologi
permukaan gunungapi, material gunungapi, dan proses alami dan buatan yang
memodifikasi morfologi dan karakteristik material. Proses alami yang terjadi
pada kawasan gunungapi dengan tingkat bahaya yang tinggi mencakup proses diluar
erupsi seperti erosi dan tanah longsor. Proses buatan biasanya ditemukan
sebagai kegiatan pemanfaatan lahan oleh masyarakat setempat. Pada area dimana
proses alami dan buatan terjadi, kami melakukan wawancara mendalam untuk
menilai persepsi masyarakat tentang ancaman bahaya dan manfaat letusan Kelud
terakhir pada bulan Februari 2014. Kami mengevaluasi pemanfaatan sumber daya
lahan saat ini dan potret pemanfaatan sumber daya berdasarkan adaptasi
masyarakat lokal. Terdapat tiga jenis sumber daya lahan yang tersedia di
gunungapi aktif, yaitu: ruang, pemandangan alam, dan material gunungapi.
Ketersediaan sumber daya lahan tersebut dalam kondisi dinamis baik dari segi
kualitas maupun kuantitas. Setelah erupsi Kelud, pemandangan alam segera
menjadi objek yang paling menarik untuk tujuan wisata. Periode berikutnya
setelah intensitas curah hujan tinggi, material gunungapi (pasir dan batu)
dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan bangunan berkualitas tinggi. Ruang yang tersedia
dapat dimanfaatkan untuk tujuan apapun setelah situasinya menjadi stabil.
Pemanfaatan ruang saat ini sebagian besar merupakan perusahaan perkebunan yang
mengakomodasi karakteristik fisik dan sosial-budaya dari lingkungan gunungapi
Kata kunci: gunungapi,
lahan, sumberdaya, manajemen, Gunung Kelud.
The Indonesian Government considers active volcanoes as areas with a high
natural hazard threat. Therefore, such regions are
treated as protected and/or
limited production areas (Act No. 26 of 2007 on Spatial Planning and Act
Ministry of Spatial Planning No. 21 / PRT / M / 2007 on Spatial Planning
Guidelines for Volcanic Eruption and Earthquake). However, the real situations
of land utilisation were completely
different from the formal Act of Spatial Planning. The community living in the
active volcanic areas intensively exploit the benefit of the available natural
resources (Kelman and Mather, 2008; Bachri, 2015). The community considers volcanic eruptions
as a part of their life, culture, and spirit (Wardhani,
2013; Bachri, 2015).
It is quite clear that the main reason behind the establishment of the Spatial
Planning Act by the Indonesian Government is
focused on the availability of high natural hazards with less
consideration of the high potential of
natural resources. The Indonesian Government had considered the volcanic
eruption as an intangible threat and
therefore, the community was instructed not to permanently occupy the areas
near to the hazardous area (Bappenas, 2010). The
abundant natural resources have not been considered
as potential resources for improving the welfare of the people. However, in
fact, the community is not concerned about the threat of natural hazards and
pays more attention to utilising the abundant natural resources. This
perception gap should be minimised so
that the regional development, which is run
by both the government and the local community, can obtain the expected
The communities living in the areas of active volcanoes are threatened by the continued risk of a
volcanic eruption. It can happen at any time and has the potential to destroy
everything located in the surrounding area. Naturally, a volcanic eruption
causes serious damage, casualties, and loss of physical, economic, social and
any other environmental components (Tilling and Lipman, 1993; Twigg,
2004; Marti and Ernst, 2005). Some examples of
volcanic eruptions cases in Indonesia with such losses are presented in Table 1. The risk of
casualties, damage and losses from a volcanic eruption tends to increase with an
increase in the population density and the
diversity of economic activity in the community (Tilling,
Volcano |
Year of eruption |
Total fatalities
and damages (IDR) |
Loss of life |
Merapi |
2010 |
154,950,390,000.000 |
347 |
Bromo |
2010 |
103,700,000,000 |
0 |
Sinabung |
2013 |
1,490,000,000,000 |
15 |
Kelud |
2014 |
1,000,000,000,000 |
0 |
Apart from the threat from volcanic eruptions, the areas with active
volcanoes were blessed with abundant
natural resources. Active volcanoes provide space, natural scenery and volcanic
materials. Space is more limited today, and agriculture needs extensive space to develop. The land areas in
and around active volcanoes which were used
for agricultural activities are still extensive. The natural volcanic scenery has become one of the most popular destinations
for tourist activity. Many tourists from the city are looking for natural scenes
as a change from their daily activity. Volcanic material (sand and stone)
became the most sought after building material due to the high level of
The study examines volcanic eruption of Mount (Mt.) Kelud in early 2014.
The study chose the Mt. Kelud area after considering its intensity and
explosive eruptions. Mt. Kelud is categorised
as one of the active volcanoes with a relatively high population density. The
land resource utilisation activities in the form of land use in the Mt. Kelud
area are quite intensive. We may observe clearly that land resource utilisation
activities take place from the peak up to the alluvial foot plain. There are three
types of land resource utilisation: tourism, agriculture enterprises and sand
mining. Mt. Kelud is categorised as one of the most dangerous active volcanoes
in Indonesia due to its hot lahar flow and explosive eruptions. We attempted to
provide some academic discussion on the unique
regional management of coping with the abundant
resources located at the high volcanic hazard areas. We might learn from
local stakeholders in Mt. Kelud to utilise natural resources in the high volcanic hazard areas.
Study Area
Mt. Kelud is 1700m high and located in the East Java Province. The
administrative area of this volcano covers three areas: Kediri Regency, Blitar
Regency and Malang Regency (Figure 1). The surrounding area is inhabited by about 140,000 people spread from the middle slope to alluvial foot plains. Most of the people work as farmers in addition
to other jobs such as trading and mining.
Land in Mt. Kelud is mostly used for
agricultural enterprises.
The complex of this volcano is also
famous for tourism activities. The unique shape of the Crater Lake is a particular concern for nature tourism
enthusiasts. Roads, toilets, and parking lots are well-built to support tourist
facilities. Every year the number of visiting tourists continues to increase.
Field Survey
The research has been conducted
through field survey methods based on the descriptive
observations of the physical environment and socio-cultural studies of the
community. The field survey on the physical environment intends to stratify the
volcanic body which starts from the peak to the fluvio-volcanic
foot plain. Those volcanic body segmentations spatially correlate with the
volcanic hazard intensity through both the data of the 2014 survey and the
previous eruptions recorded by central and local government agencies. The
survey on social aspects, which is based
on the physical units at the volcanic body, aims to portray the social life of
the community with a special emphasis on
their livelihood.
Landscape analysis is used in this
research as an approach. Landscape analysis observes the cover volcanic
morphology, volcanic materials and natural and artificial processes that affect
morphological processes and material characteristics. The landscape analysis was conducted through field observation,
sampling and in-depth interviews with local communities. Field observation of the
landscape analysis was completed from the peak down to the alluvial foot plain
of Mt. Kelud.
The volcanic morphology is observed
through altitude and slope differences. The volcanic material was observed on each volcanic relief. The
distribution of the materials is mostly in
the valleys of rivers which disgorge in Mt. Kelud. The natural and artificial
processes were observed at different land
covers and land use on each slope. Natural
and artificial processes such as erosion and landslides affect morphological
processes especially in volcanic areas with irregular reliefs. In-depth
interviews with the local community were used to support related data on land
use activities in Mt. Kelud area.
The Morphographic Arrangement of Mt. Kelud
The morphology of Mt. Kelud
can be divided into five parts: volcanic
cones, upper slope, middle slope, lower
slope, and fluvio-volcanic foot plain.
The arrangement of the morphological body of a volcano describes the chronology
of formation as well as the composing
materials. The materials of the Mt. Kelud
body in various morphological units was characterised
by the different sizes of the grains (Bourdier et al., 1997). The size of the
materials at the high slope inclination ranges from mega-boulder and boulder,
while at the lower inclination slopes are smaller, ranging from gravelly sand
to silty sand. Some parts of the cone
areas have a relatively high slope inclination approaching 90o
degrees because of its materials that consist of igneous rocks with an upright
column structure.
The volcanic cone area does not perform as an ideal cone as a result of
the past eruption events that are mostly explosive (Brotopuspito
and Wahyudi, 2007). Igneous rocks that perform ridges around the crater
formed the peaks of Mt. Kelud. These peaks have different names (Figure 2), such as Mt. Kelud (1731m), Mt. Gajahmungkur (1488m),
Mt. Sumbing (1518m), Mt. Kombang (1514m), and Mt. Lirang (1414m). There are relatively flat areas at the inter-peak areas that make them suitable for specific
economic activities such as tourism. The peaks, the Crater Lake, and the hot
water have become the natural tourist attractions.
Sharp ridges inter-fingering with deep V-shape valleys characterise the
upper slopes of Mt. Kelud. The weakly cemented unconsolidated pyroclastic
materials dominate the upper slopes area. The surficial materials are commonly
tuffs, breccia and lahar materials (Pratomo, 1997; Brotopuspito and Wahyudi, 2007). The upper slope
has the highest volcanic hazard status as it always suffers from eruption
activities, landslides and erosions. Such unconsolidated materials are easily
moved downslope by water and/or
gravitational actions to generate debris/lahar flow in the downslope areas (Thouret, 1998; Jeffrey et al., 2013). The upper slope of
Mt. Kelud poses as protected forest. The dominant vegetation cover is shrubs
and sparsely woody plants with small
diameter. That typical land cover might be very much influenced by the brief
eruption of Mt. Kelud. Therefore, an ideal tropical forest formation becomes
The middle slopes of Mt. Kelud
have relatively wide ridges and rough undulating relief. The middle slopes are composed by U-shaped valleys
with a large gradient and quite a high dissection density. Some of the valleys
at the middle slope originated from the
upper slope areas. Those valleys become the main path for lahar flow from the
upper to the lower slopes. The hazard threat in the middle slope was still considered as relatively high and it
should not permanently inhabited. The
spouted pyroclastic materials from the explosive eruptions falls in the middle
slope and consists of materials with sizes
ranging from gravel to coarse sand. The large
particle of pyroclastic can be found at the bottom of the valley, gliding from
the upper slope. Community activities that use natural resources are mostly concentrated in the grazing area was
there is a commercial crops and tree
plantations are limited. The intensive plantations are limited due to the presence of coarse pumice near the soil
surface. However, there is a possibility that the trees may grow and become
productive because pumice and tuff are easily weathered and have a high
capability to hold nutrients and water.
The lower slope of Mt. Kelud has characteristics of medium undulating
relief. It has a wider interfluve than the middle one. The river valley also becomes
wider and shallower
and that can make the water and/or lahar
flow shift to the adjacent valley during the flood. The fluvio-volcanic foot plain of Mt. Kelud lies with a flat or gently
sloping relief. The fluvio-volcanic foot
plains were formed by fluvial and
gravitational processes dominated by lahar deposit material. The fluvio-volcanic foot plain of Mt. Kelud is
extended to Brantas River (Maritimo et al., 2014). The fluvio-volcanic foot plain is composed by
materials of a finer size such as sand, silt and clay and a fluvial process transports these from
volcanic materials located at the upper volcanic slope areas. The fluvio-volcanic foot plain is utilised as an
intensive agriculture area as it receives an abundant water supply.
Countermeasure structures to
reduce hazards from Mt. Kelud Crater Lake
The eruption of Mt. Kelud has
the potential to create environmental damage and casualties. Reducing the hazard of Mt. Kelud eruption has
become necessary. The oldest disaster management strategies in Mt. Kelud ever
recorded was the construction of the drainage canal in Srinjing Village at the time of the Ancient Mataram Kingdom (Arif, 2014) and is listed in Harinjing Inscription 804 AD
(Figure 3). The construction of a drainage canal was
intended to reduce the volume of water in Konto River so that the lahar would
not overflow into the river bank and reduce
the damage at agricultural areas (Dibyosaputro et al., 2015)
The Dutch Government in 1919 carried out the next disaster management
strategy. The eruption of Mt. Kelud in 1919 had caused 5,160 casualties and
extensive damage to plantations and
agricultural land (Zaennudin, 2009). Based on the
results of the Dutch Government research, the greatest danger of Mt. Kelud
eruption was the primary lahar flow that
directly related to the volume of the water in the crater (Zaennudin, 2009). The Dutch Government constructed a drainage
tunnel to reduce the amount of water in
the crater to 2 million m3 (Zaennudin, 2009);
see Figure 3.
The previous disaster management strategy was followed by the Indonesian
Government who built the Sabo Dam
along the rivers with headwater at the cone of Mt. Kelud. The Sabo dam construction aimed to impede
the flow of lahar flood and the damages at the downstream. The construction project began in 1970 funded by
the Japanese Government (Centres of Sabo, 2008).
The Sabo dam was quite effective in impeding
the lahar flow and had multi-functions as a bridge and irrigation protection (Centres of Sabo, 2008). The existence of the Sabo Dam makes
easier to calculate the amount of lahar material.
Benefits and drawbacks of the volcanic eruptions
The volcanic eruption has dramatically modified the environment through
a single event. The extreme rapid changes of the environment have damaged several
infrastructures and even life. Based on the impacts of a volcanic eruption, it is categorised as an extreme event, which is not yet well managed with the currently
available technology. A volcanic eruption
is one of the natural events that lead to
disaster. The concept of disaster in Indonesia refers to the Hyogo Framework as the determination of functions of
areas that also involves the hazard aspects (Bappenas,
A volcanic eruption is associated with disaster, as it has been recorded in human
history that such eruptions could cause major damage and numerous casualties (Doocy et al., 2013). On the other side, active volcanic
regions have become a centre of living for the community. Some experts claim
that marginal communities, who do not have strong social capital, choose to
live in high disaster-prone areas (Bryant, 1998).
However, research by Bachri (2015) who took the case
of human-volcanoes in Bromo, produced the concept of open risk which explained
that people were not only risking loss
but also including physical, social, economic and spiritual benefits.
The case of the Mt. Kelud eruption in 2014 provides an illustration that
the people enjoyed the benefits of a volcanic eruption. Mt. Kelud has long
return period of eruption in terms of
human life span, i.e. 15-35 years with a relatively short period of eruption
event (Zaennudin, 2009). The last eruption in
February 2014 happened in less than one hour. However, people could enjoy the
abundant natural resources of Mt. Kelud up to 15-35 years later following that
eruption. The community holds the greater value of benefits than the value of
losses due to the eruption when it is viewed from the short duration of the eruption
of Mt. Kelud.
The cases of benefits and losses due to the Mt. Kelud eruption are based on the results of surveys and simple
calculations in the field. The results were
described as follows:
1. The case of agricultural
enterprise around the Mt. Kelud area
The middle up to the lower slope of Mt. Kelud area has developed as a
plantation estate in Indonesia since the Dutch Colonisation. Mt. Kelud areas
have been utilised for agricultural enterprise since 1830 until present. That
means the agricultural activities have
survived for 187 years and experienced 12 times as many eruptions like Mt. Kelud.
As a result of in-depth interviews with local people, Mt. Kelud
eruptions did not significantly create a severe negative impact on the condition of agriculture at the slopes
of Mt. Kelud. The crops were totally
damaged due to the eruption of Mt. Kelud, yet within a period of 1 to 4 years,
the plants grew well. Agricultural workers in the Mt. Kelud area are confident
enough to make investments with a break-even period of 1to 4 years, as they can
expect the return in the form of crops for the next 15 years or more. The
improved fertile land has become one of the benefits resulting from Mt. Kelud’s
2. The case of tourism in Mt.
Mt. Kelud’s eruption has created a special spot which attracts tourists, and the number of visitors has increased
every year. This proves that there is no
effect of the eruption to the decreasing of
the number of tourists. In fact, the number of tourists visiting Mt. Kelud in
2014 (following the eruption) reached its
highest number for the past 5 years (see Table 2). The Mt. Kelud eruption produced unique natural
scenery, such as the view of the grey-coloured mountains and the standing burnt
forest. The Mt. Kelud eruption also produced a pile of pyroclastic materials
that encouraged some people to visit (Figure 4).
Years |
Visitors |
2010 |
711,431 |
2011 |
841,222 |
2012 |
849,777 |
2013 |
1,175,402 |
2014 |
1,286,914 |
Total |
4,864,746 |
Government of Tourism at Kediri District, 2015.
The remaining landscape of Mt. Kelud after its eruption was exquisite and probably can be seen only for a
short period. Such a view could only exist for one or two years as long as the
forest trees do not grow to cover the landscape. Piles of erupted materials can
also be observed for a short time, which usually lasts only for few weeks
before it is drifted away by the water flow
during the rainy season. This typical
landscape of volcanic eruption has become a different
natural scene and, thus it has a potential to become a tourist attraction site
(Dowling and Newsome, 2006; Cooper, 2010).
3. The case of the mining sector in Mt. Kelud
The Mt. Kelud eruption provided benefits for some people who worked as
sand miners in the rivers running from
the peak of Mt. Kelud. The eruption ejected a
huge amount of pyroclastic materials in the forms of ash, sand and
rocks. The 2014 eruption generated a huge quantity of volcanic material as high-quality construction materials and for other purposes. The volcanic materials
produced by Mt. Kelud reached 27.6 million m3 by 2014 and were deposited in the upstream of Bladak River. There were volcanic materials
deposited at 12 other rivers that have not yet been
calculated. The volcanic materials produced by the last eruption are
quite special due to its composition of 91.82% pumice and 7.18% non-pumice.
The accumulated volcanic material in the rivers triggered the explosion
of mining activities in almost all rivers flowing from Mt. Kelud. Based on a recent field survey,
there are at least 7 mining locations,
such as Bladak, Kaliputih, Kicir, Sambong, Konto,
Laharpang, and Ngobo Rivers. The most
intensive mining activities occurred in Bladak
River which runs continuously every day. On January 21st 2016, it was
calculated that 606 trucks passed the exit road and this number could increase
during the dry season. A simple calculation
based on the number of trucks and the loading capacity of the truck,
which is 6 m3 sand or 4 m3 stone, gives a figure of
around IDR 145 million/day income for the local people. This is a better income compared to the other commodities from any
other activities that are possible to run in such areas.
Eruption is a blessing when we are ready, but would be
a disaster if we are not ready.
A spatially active volcano area has its own
uniqueness that led to the diversity of the existence of land resources. The
peak area of an active volcano has created several landform units. The
diversity of land resources in the volcanic area is characterised by the transition
of slope conditions, microclimate, land cover, and cover volcanic material
types. The area of an active volcano should be spatially planned based on the
availability of land resources so that it can provide the opportunity for the community
to utilise the existing resources. The correct
arrangement of land utilisation might be able to reduce eruption hazards for
the local community (Becker, et al.,
2010) who live in the lower slope areas.
Volcanic areas with limited production areas could be utilised as
tourist destinations and by the agriculture and mining sectors. Space allocations
for volcanic areas is based on the
availability of resources that are scattered
around the volcanic cone. It could be integrated with each other to provide
more benefits to the community and reduce the exploitation of land resources
for single activities. Space allocations
for limited production in the volcanic
area are tourism, agricultural
enterprise, and mining.
Tourism sector
The tourism sector emphasises the
uniqueness of the high dynamic landscape due to its eruption activities. Such a
landscape could be found at the peak of
the volcano and surrounding areas. The high dynamic landscape can be observed clearly when the eruption activities take place.
Tourists may compare pictures of the landscape before and after the eruption using
media available in the community. The landscape after the eruption is unique
and will last for one or two years before the vegetation grows up. The
uniqueness of the landscape and the time constraint to enjoy it can be used to boost
tourist activity in Mt. Kelud.
In the future, the government and local communities may work together to
manage the tourism sector. Tourism management is done by intensifying promotion
through websites, TV, radio and newspapers to attract visitors. Scenarios of
tourist attractions need to be prepared to prevent the accumulation of
visitors. The setting can be done, for example, by introducing a cinema near to
the tourist spot to maintain an adequate interval with the previous visitors. Another
strategy to consider is providing alternative routes, i.e. the motorway or on
foot. This option can be used to disperse the visitors into two alternative routes of their choice. The local
government of Kediri District created large
events at the peak areas during the low volcanic activities, and these events were
also held following the eruption.
The number of visitors to Mt. Kelud has the potential to increase from
time to time; this includes visitors associated with volcanic disaster
education. The governments might work in collaboration with local communities
to increase the market demand of Kelud tourism. The efforts may focus on
providing multiple benefits for the tourists, including new educative materials
about volcanic disaster management. The governments could provide training to
the local community to act as tour guide for visitors.
Agricultural sector
Agricultural Enterprise was the
first type of land utilisation activities
to exploit the land resources at the Mt.
Kelud region and was introduced by the Dutch. The allocated area for the agricultural enterprise is in the middle slope
and lower slope and has two functions: a green barrier for the eruption hazard
and agricultural production. The limited settlement was only developed for agricultural
workers. The other factors considered in site selection for the agricultural enterprise are climate
characteristic, chemical soil fertility and water availability.
The Mt. Kelud area has a mild climate with an average temperature of
24-26 C and is suitable for cultivating several types of crops. Water is available
throughout the year with an average
rainfall of 3,700 mm/year which is sufficient to support optimum agricultural
production. The Mt. Kelud area belongs to a slightly wet climate, which affects
the high speed of soil material decompositions. The soil fertility of the Mt.
Kelud area is chemically classified as
fertile (Table 3) based on the results of laboratory
testing of soil samples taken from some layers in the soil profile (Figure 5). The pumice materials are categorised as high weatherable
materials that release some inorganic chemical compounds to perform high base
saturation soils. The only limitation is the low organic content which is
relatively easy to improve through animal manuring. Therefore, agricultural activities
should be combined with livestock activities so that the waste can be used for animal manure.
Horizon |
Ap |
Bc |
C1 |
C2 |
(cm) |
0 – 25 |
25 – 78 |
78 – 110 |
110 – 125 |
matrix |
Texture |
Loamy-sand |
Loamy-sand |
Loamy-sand |
Sand |
Structure |
Granular |
Granular |
Massive |
Single-grained |
pH |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
Material |
Moderate |
Low |
Low |
DHL (µmhos
/cm) |
1483 |
1660 |
1877 |
1413 |
Mining sector
The mining sector has developed
based on the availability of sand and pumice stone materials as a product of
volcanic eruptions. Sand and pumice stone materials can be found anywhere on
the volcanic slopes and the river valley
becomes the easiest location to collect those materials through mining
activities. The mining materials in the river valleys could come from direct
air fall and slope transported materials
from the adjacent areas. The morphology of river valley at the lower slope is
wide and shallow meaning that vehicles could enter the sites to transport the mining materials.
The high demand of sand as construction materials has made its price
increase from time to time. That situation has become a triggering factor for
the mining activity to be more intensified and it may grow significantly which could threaten
environmental sustainability. Therefore, an effort to create an added value of
the mining product shall be made to suppress the number of up taking materials.
Sand materials can be used as material for bricks, which is still very rare
being produced by the community. With this activity, the adequate income can be maintained even though the number of
material up taken already decreased.
Among the referral area for limited productions from the three sectors,
the tourism sector can be considered to
have the highest possibility to provide welfare for the community. It could
also be combined with agriculture and mining sectors to improve the welfare of the community. The tourism sector will highlight the uniqueness of the
area that can be used for limited
cultivation. The uniqueness of a volcanic
area is characterised by a difference of
land use from the peak, upper slope, middle
slope, lower slope to fluvio-volcanic
foot plain. The process of land
management and crop plantation will be a tourism attraction combined with the
agricultural product and traditional food.
Tourism sector combined with the
agriculture sector produces the natural
attractions of exploring the agriculture area. Agricultural areas offer scenery
that spans the diversity of agriculture
crops, cool weather and agriculture processes which are considered as the selling point for tourism. The results of
tourism activities are expected to increase the economic
income of the farmers outside the agricultural
sector. Tourism sector combined with the
mining sector produce natural attractions and the exploration of mining sites
add a touch of adrenaline for visitors (see Figure 6).
Exploring the mining sites may require the cooperation of the sand truck
drivers as this is a transportation mode to enter the mining sites. Visitors are offered a view of sand mining areas and the
mining processes. The mining sector can earn extra income from tourist
activities that can certainly improve the welfare of the community.
Land in the volcanic areas can be utilised by the local
community. Land in a volcanic area should be
arranged in such a way that it can accommodate two functions: an optimum opportunity for the local community
to utilise existing resources and effective
protection to the community from the volcanic hazard. There are three types of
land resources available at the active volcano: space, natural scenery, and
volcanic materials. The land resources might be
directed for the development of the tourism sector, agricultural
enterprise, and mining sectors.
The development of the tourism sector in the peak of a volcanic
area should be based on the uniqueness of
the dynamics of the natural landscape as
a result of volcanic eruption. The development
of the agriculture sector in the middle
slope should be based on the climatic
characteristics, chemical soil fertility, water availability and land availability.
The development of the mining sector
should be located on the lower slope by considering the sand and stone availability.
The space allocation for mining is at the
lower slopes considering the utilisation of the high quality of sand that has
already been cleaned up from dirt and dust with the water flow.
The tourism sector is expected to become the sector most likely to provide welfare for the
community when combined with the agriculture and mining sectors. The uniqueness
of volcanic areas is not the only one that is located on the upper slopes and peaks but also at the spatial arrangement
of land use that accommodates optimum resource utilisation
and effective community protection. Mt.
Kelud is unique in its spatial arrangement of land utilisation types, and it provides the best practices for other
active volcano regions.
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during field survey as a part of this research and throughout the process of
preparing the paper. The authors want to thank all colleagues, i.e. Alzaena Ulya Rusdimi, Anastasia Neni, Galih Aries and Listyo Yudha Irawan for their
assistance during data collection in the Mt. Kelud area. We thank to all informants for their permission of
photo–audio recording during interviews and
paper publication. We also thank the local authorities at district level in
East Java Province (Blitar, Kediri and Malang) especially Bapak Rijanto
mayor of Blitar district; the CVGHM (Centre for Volcanology and Geological
Hazard Mitigation, Indonesia) especially Bapak Budi, Bapak Khoirul and Bapak Kuncoro; the BPBD (Regional Agency of Disaster Management)
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