Aplikasi ESDA untuk Studi Variabilitas Spasial Hujan Bulanan di Jawa Timur

I Indarto(1*)

(1) Universitas Negeri Jember
(*) Corresponding Author


This article expose the spatial variability of monthly-rainfall (MR) in East Java region. Monthly rainfall data were collected from 943 pluviometres spread around the regions. Spatial statistics analysed by means of ESDA (Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis) techniques available on Geostatistical Analyst extention of ArcGIS (9.3). Statistical tools exploited to analise the data include: (1) Histogram, (2) Voronoi Map, and (3) QQ-Plot. The result show that histogram and QQ-Plot of Monthly Rainfall data are leptocurtosis. Statistical value obtained from the analysis are: minimum = 54 mm/month, average = 155,5 mm/month, maximum = 386 mm/month, and median = 150 mm/month. Other statistical value summarised are: standard deviation = 44,2 ; skewness = 0,95; and curtosis = 5,09. Finally, monthly rainfall-maps are produced by interpolating the data using Inverse Distance Weighed (IDW) interpolation method. The research demonstrate the capability and benefit of those statistical tool to describe detailed spatial variability of rainfall.


spatial variability; Monthly Rainfall; ESDA; East Java

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