Dewi Iriani(1*), Widya Nurreni Astuti(2)

(1) IAIN Ponorogo
(2) IAIN Ponorogo
(*) Corresponding Author


Bullying, better known as oppression, is a form of violence committed by a person or group who is stronger against another person with the aim of hurting. During the period of 9 years from 2011 to 2020 there were 37,381 complaints of bullying cases. From the complaint data, the author raises bullying cases that occur at school, home, and social media. So this essay raises the study of the Character of Pancasila to Reject the Crime of Bullying. So this essay examines 1) how is the spirit of Pancasila's character in rejecting bullying? 2) how are bullying crimes enforced? . This study uses a libary research approach in the form of bullying case studies which are examined using analysis of statutory regulations and Pancasila as the character of Pancasila in rejecting bullying crimes.

The results of this study 1) The spirit of the Pancasila Character to Reject Crime which is the character of the Indonesian national identity as follows: First Principle of Pancasila, the divine value in every religious teaching of the Second Principle of Pancasila; foster a sense of empathy and compassion to do justice without committing violence. The Third Principle of Pancasila; foster mutual respect, respect for differences. The Fourth Precept of Pancasila; the government is more concerned with its people in order to avoid acts of violence. The Fifth Precept of Pancasila; Provide fair sanctions. Law enforcement against bullying crime requires the role of the community, parents, social environment, legal officials, 2) Law enforcement by providing strict sanctions in accordance with the laws and regulations on bullying, namely the 1945 Constitution, Constitutional Court Decision Number 50 / PUU -VI / 2008 regarding the constitutionality and Article 27 paragraph (3) of the ITE Law confirms that Article 27 paragraph (3) of the ITE Law, Law Number 8 of 1981 concerning Criminal Procedure Law, Law of the Juvenile Court No 11 of 2012.


Marwah; Pancasila; Bullying

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