Legal Protection Of Businesses In Online Selling With The Cash On Delivery (COD) Payment Method Through PT. Shopee Indonesia In JnT The City Of Ternate
Amin Muhammad(1), Wirdi Hisroh Komeni(2*), Hardina Hardina(3)(1) Universitas Khairun Ternate
(2) Universitas Khairun Ternate
(3) Universitas Khairun Ternate
(*) Corresponding Author
This study aims to find out about the legal protection of business actors in buying and selling online with the payment method cash on delivery (COD) through PT. Shopee Indonesia at Jnt City Ternate. This research is an Empirical Juridical Law research that views the law as a social phenomenon so that it examines the law that is in the community, namely about people's behavior and actions carried out in daily activities. The results of this research: Legal relations between business actors and consumers have occurred when business actors and consumers agree to carry out something including buying and selling related goods and / services, because since then the reciprocal rights and obligations of the parties apply, both business actors and consumers. The legal relationship is based on article 1320 and article 1457 of the Civil Code. Legal Protection for Business Actors in Online Buying and Selling Transactions through the Cash On Delivery (COD) payment method in the City of Ternate. When an online sale and purchase agreement occurs with the Cash On Delivery (COD) payment method, business actors have received legal protection as stipulated in Law No. 8 1999 article 6 concerning the rights of business actors.
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