The Program Establishing The Universal Digital Civil Code Of The Turkic States’ Organization In The Matter Of Digitalization And Needs Of Population In The Statutes Of Islamic Law

Said Saidakhrarovich Gulyamov(1*)

(1) Tashkent State University of Law
(*) Corresponding Author


This article’s purpose mainly based on discussing and analyzing the current problems and gaps of civil law complicated by digital and religious aspects, attracting attention of the Organization of Turkic States  (Countries) and propose a number of new technological and theological principles for development in the future. A step-by-step mechanism of the Program for the joint development and adoption of the Digital Civil Code (DCC) is proposed in order to improve and unify the existing principles and norms of the legislation of the Countries in the field of civil law by gradually analyzing. The conceptual basis of the DCC will be the definition of the new fundamental principles and legal structures in the Turkic States, which will be the foundations and vectors model of public administration system targeted development in civil law relations, complicated by digital and religious elements and emerging and transforming new civil law regulations in the Cyber law. The DCC will allow people to set the boundaries of acceptable digital behavior, provide protection from illegal acts, guarantee the user’s personal data confidentiality (cyber law security), protect human rights, freedoms and etc. The preparation period of the DCC program is expected for 3 years and divided into stages: 1. Organizational part. 2. Analyzing the conditions and trends of the country’s civil law legislation. 3. Analyzing the civil law rights regulation in Islamic Law. 4. Analyzing the digital civil rights in Private International Law. 5. Analyzing the modern technological inventions and their impact on Civil Law regulation. 6. Discussing and preparing the DCC. 7. Approbating the DCC. 8. Establishing the final recommendations to implement the DCC. The DCC will be relevant and useful not only for these Countries, but also for other countries globally.


Cyber Law; Digitalization; Draft of DCC.

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