Endang Lestari(1*),

(*) Corresponding Author


This is a naturalistic qualitative research, which aims to describe and to
explain the implementation of Inquiry-based Learning in teaching English at
SMP negeri 1 Gemolong consisting the component of teaching learning
namely; learning objective, classroom procedure, classroom technique, the
role of instructional material, teacher‟s role, students‟ role, media,
assessment. The researcher used observation, interview and document in
collecting the data. Based on the research findings, the researcher found the
results as follows; 1) there are two kinds of learning objectives, namely
general learning objectives and specific learning objectives, 2) classroom
procedure used exploration, elaboration, confirmation, 3) classroom
technique used in teaching English were identifying key words, reading text,
discussion, role playing, comprehension, crazy story games, 4) the roles of
instructional materials were as a reference source for learners on grammar,
vocabulary, pronunciation; as a source of stimulation and ideas for
classroom activities, 5) English teacher had roles as facilitator, manager,
explainer, motivator, 6) students‟ roles were students learning from teacher,
students learn from other students, students as subject of learning, students
as performer, 7) media used in teaching English were video, drama, board,
text, and 8) assessment used by teacher were test and non-test, test was
divided into daily test, mid test, final test. Non-test was divided into every
skill in teaching learning process.
Key words: inquiry-based learning, teaching English

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