Tri Agustina(1*),

(*) Corresponding Author


The study aims to identify the types of morphological, syntactic, discourse
error in writing recount text by the eighth grade students of SMP
Muhammadiyah 4 Surakarta. In addition, it is to know the frequency of each
type of errors, to know the dominant type of error and to know the sources of
the errors.The type of research is qualitative research. The method of
collecting data is elicitation method, which is divided into four steps: first
steps arerequesting the learner to make recount text with the theme that has
given; second step is reading the recount text made by students; third step is
finding and marking error in the recount text; and last step is dividing the
error into the types of error based on linguistic category and surface strategy
taxonomy.Foranalyzing the data,the writer takes six steps, namely:
identification of errors, classifying into error types, describing the frequency
of error, describing the dominant type of error, analysis of the sources of
error and describing the purposed remedial teaching. The result of research
shows that lexical errors is 22,2% including false friends, wrong spelling and
use of Indonesian word. Syntactical error is 64% which includes verb
(omission of verb, misuses of verb in past tense, addition of to in verb of
present tense addition of verb), noun (omission of {-s} plural marker,
addition of {-s}), BE (omission of be, misuses of be), phrase (misordering
noun phrase)), article (addition of article), preposition (addition of
preposition, omission of preposition), sentence construction(omission of
subject, literal translation of Indonesian). Discourse error is7,7% which
include generic structure. The dominant type of error is wrong spelling and
misuses of verb in past tense.
Key words: error analysis, linguistic category taxonomy, recount text,
surface strategy

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