Lukman Hakim(1*), Sholikhah Nur Rokhmah(2)

(1) Prodi manajemen dan Bisnis FEB UMS
(2) Prodi manajemen dan Bisnis FEB UMS
(*) Corresponding Author


The research examined the impact charismatic leadership with the setting of religious, educational
institution namely the Islamic boarding house more popularly known as the pondok pesantren in
Surakarta residency. It was really to re-examine the research once conducted by Behling
& Mc Fillen
(1996) using organizational commitment called “a Syncretical Model”. It was also related to that
conducted by Bass (1990) as a dependent variable. The objective was to analyze whether the variable of
behavioral attributes model of charismatic leadership consisting of displays empathy, dramatizes the
mission, projects self- assurances, enhances the leader’s image, assures follower of their competency and
provides followers with opportunities to experience success and significantly affecting the follower extra
effort. The result of regression analysis by using the instrument called the program SPSS of tenth
version showed that displays empathy, projects self assurances, and enhances the leader’ image, and
significantly affecting the follower’s extra efforts. Whereas the behaviors such as dramatizes the mission,
assures followers of competency and provides opportunities to experience success had no significant
influence toward the followers’ extra effort.


Charismatic leadership, follower extra effort

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