Fatchurrohman Fatchurrohman(1*)(1) Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
(*) Corresponding Author
Consumerism has become an important issue in consumer behavior. Consumerism known as a
social movement to strengthen the rights and powers of buyers in relation to sellers. There are three
institutions which have major role in consumerism, they are consumer organization, government and
company. Consumer organization gives information and advocacy to consumer. Government have a
responsible in the regulation and legislation of consumer rights. Finally, company have their own role to
enforce self regulation about consumerism.
Consumerism has developed into green consumerism. It means that consumer emphazises their
attention in the environment issue. Consumerism has a major implication to the marketing
management in a company. One of them is more attention in producing safe product by the company.
Developed country implements consumerism in day to day company strategies while developing countries
consider this as a new emerging issue.
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