Metaparadigm Menjawab Metaphor Teori Organisasi sebagai Pendulum dan Puzzle Solving

Tiara Puspa Tiara Puspa(1*)

(1) Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Trisakti
(*) Corresponding Author


From growth of history, organization theory could be metaphoraly as a
pendulum which one time resided in right side and an other time resided in the
other , meanwhile from the empiric study many debate around in analyzers
which one better be applied, from this side organizational theory could also be
metahporaly like puzzle game. To overcome the motion of pendulum and finish
puzel in organizational theory hence discussion from all the viewpoints tried to
pulled to the above of into higher level that is multi paradigm. Approach of
muliparadigm appreciate the possibility existence of equation in opinion is
something not possibly and there is existence of equation opinion in difference.
Approach of multiparadigm give implication the importance of study
interdisipliner in research of organization for getting more fully theory building.

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