Risky Amalia(1), Dian Yuliartha Lestari(2), Mochamad Bahrudin(3*)

(1) Pendidikan Dokter, Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
(2) Departemen Patologi Anatomi, Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
(3) Departemen Neurologi, Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
(*) Corresponding Author



Glucocorticoid induce-osteoporosis merupakan osteoporosis akibat terapi glukokortikoid jangka panjang.  Osteoporosis terjadi akibat adanya hambatan pada faktor pertumbuhan tulang sehingga diferensiasi osteoblas menurun. Peningkatan kalsium ekstraseluler dengan cara suplementasi kalsium mampu mendorong proliferasi sel dan mineralisasi matriks sel mesenkimal, yang merupakan sel induk osteoblas. Kalsium terkandung tinggi dalam bubuk cangkang telur bebek. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian bubuk cangkang telur bebek terhadap pertumbuhan osteoblas tulang femur mencit jantan (Mus musculus) model osteoporosis dengan induksi deksametason. Metode yang digunakan true experimental dengan posttest-only control group design, 24 ekor mencit jantan dibagi menjadi 4 kelompok, yaitu kontrol positif (K+), kelompok perlakuan bubuk cangkang telur bebek dosis 1,04mg/hari (P1), 2,08mg/hari (P2), dan 3,12mg/hari (P3).  Semua tikus diinduksi deksametason 0,0029mg/20gBB/hari selama 28 hari, kemudian kelompok perlakuan diberi bubuk cangkang telur bebek selama 14 hari.. Analisis data menggunakan One-Way Anova, Post Hoc Bonferroni, dan regresi linier. Pada penelitian ini,jumlah osteoblas secara signifikan berbeda (p< 0,05) antar kelompok. perlakuan dibandingkan kelompok control positif. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa bubuk cangkang telur bebek meningkatkan pertumbuhan osteoblas tulang femur mencit jantan (Mus musculus) model osteoporosis.

Kata Kunci: Bubuk Cangkang Telur Bebek, Osteoblas, Osteoporosis



Glucocorticoid induce-osteoporosis is osteoporosis due to long-term glucocorticoid therapy. Osteoporosis occurs due to inhibition of bone growth factors so that osteoblast differentiation decreases. The increase of extracellular calcium with calcium supplementation is able to promote cell proliferation and mineralization of mesenchymal cell matrix, which is the stem cell of osteoblasts. Calcium is high in duck egg shell powder. This study aimed to determine the effect of duck egg shell powder suplementation on the growth of male mice (Mus musculus) femoral bone osteoblasts with dexamethasone-induced osteoporosis model. The method used was true experimental with posttest-only control group design, 24 male mice were divided into 4 groups, there were positive control (K+), duck egg shell powder treatment group at a dose of 1.04 mg/day (P1), 2.08 mg/day (P2), and 3.12 mg/day (P3). All rats were induced with dexamethasone 0.0029mg/20gBW/day for 28 days, then the treatment group was given duck eggshell powder for 14 days. Data analysis used One-Way Anova, Post Hoc Bonferroni, and linear regression. In this study, the number of osteoblasts was significantly different (p<0.05) between treatment groups compared to the positive control group. So it can be concluded that duck egg shell powder increased the growth of femoral bone osteoblasts of male mice (Mus musculus) osteoporosis model.


Keywords: Duck Eggshell Powder, Osteoblast Cell, Osteoporosis


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