Study on The Physical Characteristics and Hydrology of 15 Watershed in East Java

Indarto Indarto(1*)

(1) Laboratorium Teknik Pengendalian dan Konservasi Lingkungan (lab TPKL), Program Studi Teknik Pertanian, FTP - UNEJ
(*) Corresponding Author


The study demonstrated the application of statistical method to describe physical and hydro-meteorological characteristics by means of time series analysis.  Fifteen(15) watersheds in East Java were selected for this study. Data input for the analysis include: physical data, rainfall and discharge. Physical data of the watershed (topography, river network, land use, and soil type) are extracted from existing database and treated using GIS Software. Daily rainfall data were collected from existing pluviometers around the region. Daily discharge data were obtained from measurement station located at the outlet of each watershed. Areal Rainfall for each watershed was determined using average value of existing pluviometers around the watershed and determined using simple arithmetic method. These time series data are then imported to RAP (River Analysis Package).  Analysis on the RAP, include: general statistical, flow duration curve (FDC), and baseflow analysis. The result then presented in graphic and tables. Research shows that among the watersheds have different physical and hydrological characteristics.


physical characteristics;hydrological characteristics;watershed;statistical analysis

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