Child Criminal Justice System Diversion Policy And Child Psychological Health
Sulistya Eviningrum(1*)(1) Universitas PGRI Madiun
(*) Corresponding Author
Children are the next generation whose roles are crucial for the development and the livelihood of the nation and the state. The establishment of the juvenile criminal court system is in fact still inadequate. This is because most implementations carried out by law officials still bring negative impacts to the children’s mental condition. Most juvenile prisons result in a decrease in the children’s mental development in the future. This juridical-empirical research was legal research on the in-action implementation of normative laws in certain legal norms that happen in society. The analysis on the issues of the implementation of diversions in the renewal of the juvenile criminal court system in Indonesia and the ideal implementation of the diversion policy that are according to the law, and the implementation of the juvenile criminal court system in Indonesia are not yet optimum. Concluding a diversion that is ideal for implementation will result in the renewal of juvenile criminal law in the juvenile criminal court system, as it is synchronized juridically, sociologically, philosophically, theoretically, and comparatively. The implementation of the diversion harmonizes the juvenile criminal court system in Indonesia, namely the Law on Child Welfare, the Law on Human Rights, the Law on Child Protection, and the Convention on Children’s Rights.
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