Optimizing the Preventive Maintenance Scheduling Based on Dynamic Deterministic Demand in The Cement Manufacturing

Halim Qista Karima(1*), Fauzan Romadlon(2),

(1) Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
(*) Corresponding Author
DOI: https://doi.org/10.23917/jiti.v20i1.13894


Preventive maintenance is a planned and scheduled maintenance method that is carried out before a machine failure occurs. The maintenance schedule can be determined based on experience, historical data, or recommendations. Selecting the maintenance schedule greatly affects the production system. The Clin machine in cement manufacturing has an important role in the cement production process. During treatment, the client machine cannot produce clinker, so it is necessary to plan a production system to meet the demand. This paper aims to design an optimization model for determining the preventive maintenance schedule for cement manufacturing by considering the production process and inventory control. Mathematical models with binary options are used to model that system. The model supports showing the optimal preventive maintenance schedule for the ciln machines with a binary decision each period. This mathematical model describes the interaction of production planning, inventory control, and scheduling of total maintenance on a kiln machine. The goal of this system is to determine the optimal preventive maintenance schedule with minimum costs. In addition, the system's output is the optimal production and inventory decision rule for each period. Based on the analysis and simulation of the model with the deterministic and dynamic demand, the optimal preventive maintenance schedule is in the 9th and 21st periods. The kiln machines are maintained every July with minimal costs. The model scenario shows the interaction of the variables and the sensitivity of the production capacity and demand to the decision rule of the variable.


Optimization; Preventive Maintenance; Production Process: Cement Manufacturing

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