Design of a Digital Logistics System for Cabya (Piper retrofractum Vahl) Commodities to Optimize Export Needs

Issa Dyah Utami(1*), Mu'ammal Syauqi(2),

(1) (Scopus ID: 56453263400); Universitas Trunojoyo, Bangkalan
(2) Universitas Trunojoyo
(*) Corresponding Author


Madura Island has a variety of quality crops, such as medicinal plants, one of which is Cabya (Piper retrofractum Vahl). The need for Cabya for exports is enormous, but Indonesia can only meet the demand for about a third. The highest production of Cabya is in East Java, especially in Madura. This research proposes a digital logistic system to forecast demand for Cabyaexports and manage Cabya stocks through forecasting yields and inventory management processes. The research was conducted in Sumenep regency that produce the highest number and the best quality Cabya in East Java. The Markov Chain method forecasts yields for the next five years. Then Forecasting results are integrated with an information system to manage the logistics of Cabya. The logistics system resulting from this research can be used by the government and export managers of Cabya to optimize the demand for Cabya exports. Further research can be carried out by integrating Inventory control methods to improve the logistics system's accuracy and calculate the inventory's total cost.


Medicinal plants; export demand forecasting; Logistic digital systems; Markov Chain

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