Pengukuran Lingkungan Kerja Fisik dan Operator untuk Menentukan Waktu Istirahat Kerja

Ari Zaqi Al Faritsy(1*), Yohannes Anton Nugroho(2),

(1) Universitas Teknologi Yogyakarta
(2) Universitas Teknologi Yogyakarta
(*) Corresponding Author


Physical workings and physiological data of the work operator on the work of human at work. Therefore, it is necessary to design the working environment for operator comfort and work time determinant. The research process by measuring the physical work environment, the operator's physiological data, the determination of time and work break time. The transmitter and the frais are too dark, the temperature is too hot and humid, it is necessary to increase the number of lamps and air ventilation around the lathe and frais operators. Frais machine operators generated CVL of 26.7% which is still below 30% then operators of frais machines can not be exposed to work. Lathe operators of CVL results are 31.34%, because the results are in the range of 30% - 60% then the lathe operators experience work that result to operator performance. Lathe operators require a break time of 20.85 minutes and the engine operator frais 18.85 minutes.


physical work environment; rest period; work fatigue


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