Studi Kualitatif Persepsi Citra Tubuh Remaja yang Kurus dan Gemuk Serta Upaya untuk Mencapai Tubuh Ideal Pada Siswi SMA Negeri 1 Kota Bogor

Pusparini Pusparini(1*), Refdanita Refdanita(2), Tonny C Maigoda(3), Dodik Briawan(4)

(1) Jurusan Gizi Poltekkes Bandung
(2) Prodi Farmasi ISTN Jakarta
(3) Jurusan Gizi Poltekkes Bengkulu
(4) Departemen Gizi FEMA IPB
(*) Corresponding Author


Body image distortion has been linked with mind, emotion, sensation and strongly related to
size, and shape of individual performance. This research aimed to investigate the perception of body
image for adolesscent in the second grade of senior high school in SMAN 1 Bogor. A qualitative design
was used to conduct this research by using indepth interview with phenomenology approach. Six students,
who were all women, consist of three students were overweight/obese and the other were lean.
of students were interviewed regarding their perception related three domain areas which were: body
perception of current body and efforts for achieving the ideal body composition shape. The
indicated the three student who were overweigt/obese pointed out that they were happy and
with their performance but they were not better performing. The other of three student who
lean stated that they had many perception with their body image such as: thin, was not good
unbalancing high and weight. Almost all of the students had a similar perception about
body image whether they were overweight/obese and lean. They were not unhappy with their performance,
but they had the same opinion about ideal body shape.


Body Image Perception: Ideal Body

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