Pengelolaan Adiksi Game Online dalam Pembelajaran Keterampilan Komputer dan Pengelolaan Informasi pada Siswa SMK

Nurul Hidayah(1*), S. Sutama(2), Sabar Narimo(3)

(*) Corresponding Author


This research aims to: (1) to describe the online game addiction management
planning in KKPI learning at SMK Muhammadiyah 6 Gemolong, (2) to describe
the implementation of online game addiction management in KKPI learning
at SMK Muhammadiyah 6 Gemolong, (3) to describe evaluation from the online
game addiction management at SMK Muhammadiyah 6 Gemolong. The research
was conducted with a kind of qualitative research with ethnographic approach
design. With tkeknik data collection is in-depth interviews, documentation and
observation. Data analysis use an interactive analysis model. The results of this
study are; (1) online game addiction management planning with identification of
learners, searching for appropriate learning game reference, making lesson plans
and evaluation instruments; (2) implementation of online game addiction in learning
KKPI in accordance with the planning that has been made and implemented to adjust
the current situation; and (3) evaluation of online game addiction in KKPI learning
done during daily test, mid semester test and final semester test.


management; online game addiction; KKPI learning

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