Village Development: Transcendental-Based Natural Resources and Environment Utilization Policy

Hadis Turmudi(1*), Much. Iksan(2),

(1) STMIK AMIKOM Surakarta
(2) Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
(*) Corresponding Author


This study aims to explore village development policies in the utilization of natural resources and the environment based on transcendental values, where the urgency of this research lies in the village development model by prioritizing the transcendental paradigm. This study uses a juridical-normative research method by examining Law No. 6 of 2014 concerning Villages which is aligned with a philosophical approach. This research examines transcendental values as the basis for village development in utilizing natural resources and the environment, where previous studies were only materialistic towards improving the community's economy. The results of the research show that natural resources and the environment are God’s gifts that must be able to be utilized for the benefit of the community. As a gift from God, natural resources and the environment in their utilization must always prioritize ethics and morals. Ethical and moral values are the essence of transcendentalism and are capital in village development. Meanwhile, the results of the study concluded that government policy towards village development through Law No. 6 of 2014 concerning Villages Article 81 (3), is particularly important to implement in order to be able to protect natural resources and the environment that are beneficial to human life. The existence of transcendental values can maintain the sustainability of natural resource ecosystems and the environment for the development of villages in the archipelago.

Keywords: Village development, Natural resources, Environment, Transcendental

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