The Law on Medicines That Intersect Haram Materials with Istihalah Rule

Mukhlish Zuhdy(1*), Rizka Rizka(2), Muthoifin Muthoifin(3),

(1) Komite Syariah RSU Islam Klaten
(2) Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
(3) Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
(*) Corresponding Author


Islam prescribes treatment because it is part of the protection and health care which is part of maintaining adh dharuriyuat al khams. In an effort to seek healing, it is obligatory to use treatment methods that do not violate the shari’a. Medicines used for medical purposes must use pure and halal ingredients. The use of unclean or forbidden ingredients in medicine is illegal except for shari emergencies (dharurat syariyah). Medicines that touch unclean or forbidden substances mean using something that is forbidden. One of the rules used to determine whether a medicine product is halal or haram is the rules of Istihalah. This is what makes researchers interested in discussing the study of Medicine Laws that Intersect Haram Substances with the Rules of Istihalah. This type of research is descriptive qualitative research with library study data collection methods. This reserach uses the Istihalah theory. The results of this research are; First: Medicines that encounter unclean or haram ingredients undergo istihalah, so that the final product does not contain any elements that are haram. Second: Medicines that experience terms of law are holy (mubah), except if the ingredients used come from pigs, the law becomes haram (forbidden). Because pigs are dirty animals, they should not be used for making medicine. Third: The use of medicines that contact pigs is permitted in a syar'iy emergency (dharurat syariyah).

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