The Law Of Transcendence Liberation

Ridwan Ridwan(1*),

(1) Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Hukum Muhammadiyah Bima
(*) Corresponding Author


Objective: This paper aims to reveal the problem of how prophetic legal thought in the perspective of its relation to morals?


Methodology: Doctrinal Law research types, philosophical approach, secondary data, Heuristic, and Interpretative analysis.


Results:  The core of law in legal prophetic thought is its axiology/goal that emphasizes the liberation of transcendence. It can be reviewed from the pattern of legal and moral relations in general, namely integrative dialogue, starting from the same legal and moral object in the form of Allah's verses (implied and expressed), the equal source (integrative relationship) in the form of senses, ratio, and intuition (heart), to different methods and approaches. However, they are interrelated. Morals are formed through internalization (psychological transformation) while the law is formed through a process of objectification (social transformation). Therefore, the relation in this aspect is dialogue. Meanwhile, according to prophetic law, both moral and legal in the aspect of goals have specific purposes. Morals form a perfect person while law aims at humanization, liberation, and transcendence. Nevertheless, both form a unified goal in the form of ethical ideals for a just and egalitarian society.


Purpose: In the philosophical or metatheoretical realm, with the explanation of legal prophetic thought, especially in the perspective of legal and moral relations, it is expected that new ideas in the field of law will emerge to complement even as an alternative to various legal ideas in the future.


Novelty/OriginalityThe most significant novelty value from the results of this research is the development of new legal ideas, namely the theory of transcendent liberation law. It can also be called the prophetic law of ethics, with the following characteristics: First, the level of substance or legal ontology places revelation as a constitutive element, in addition to the elements of reason and the five senses. It becomes a crystal-clear distinction with the naturalist metaphysical natural law school of thought (Plato and Aristotle), especially legal positivism (Immanuel Kant, J. Austin, Hans Kelsen, Hart). Secondthe perspective on cultural reality also distinguishes it from naturalist metaphysics that reduces cultural relativity. Meanwhile, prophetic positions culture or empirical reality as one of the objective conditions. Thirdthe prophetic has similarities to the metaphysical schools of thought, both naturalists (Plato) and religious ones (Thomas Aquinas), which place conscience as a critical part of understanding law. Fourth, Prophetic law, apart from having numerous similarities with progressive law developed by Satjipto Rahardjo, also has dissimilarities, especially, the weak point of progressive law that is considered to reduce legal certainty. Meanwhile, with Von Savigny's thought, prophetic has similarities in terms of recognizing the existence of cultural particularities but not in the context of the particularity of truth. Fifthin terms of axiology, the most prominent characteristic of prophetic law is that all stages of law are covered by an ethical mission, namely the mission of humanization, liberation, and transcendence.


Relasi., Hukum., Moral., Profetik

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