Corn Seeds Identification Based on Shape and Colour Features

Haddad Alwi Yafie(1*), Ema Rachmawati(2), Esa Prakasa(3), Amin Nur(4),

(1) School of Computing - Telkom University
(2) School of Computing - Telkom University
(3) Informatics Research Center LIPI
(4) Assessment Institutes for Agricultural Technology of Gorontalo Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author


Corn is one of the agricultural products that are essential as daily food sources or energy sources. Corn selection or sorting is important to produce high-quality seeds before its distribution to areas with varying conditions and agricultural characteristics. Hence, it is necessary to build corn seeds identification. In this paper, we propose a corn seed identification technique that incorporates the advantage of combining shape and colour features. The identification process consists of three main stages, namely, ROI selection, feature extraction, and classification using the Artificial Neural Network (ANN) algorithm. The shape feature originates from the eccentricity value or comparison value between a distance of minor ellipse foci and major ellipse foci of an object. Meanwhile, the color features are extracted based on the HSV (Hue-Saturation-Value) channel. The experimental result shows that the proposed system achieves excellent performance for the identification of poor and good corn quality for BIMA-20 and NASA-29 species. The classification result for BIMA-20 Good vs. BIMA-20 Bad gives an accuracy of 89%, while the classification accuracy of BIMA-20 Good vs. NASA-29 Good is 97%.


artificial neural network, eccentricity, feature extraction, region of interest

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