Information System on Mapping and Geolocation of COVID-19 in the City of Sukabumi

Asril Adi Sunarto(1*), Yuli Noviawan(2),

(1) Universitas Muhammadiyah Sukabumi
(*) Corresponding Author


Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) has made Indonesia's health condition critical. Therefore, the President of the Republic of Indonesia disclosed Presidential Decree No. 7 in 2020 regarding the Task Force for the Acceleration of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Handling. The decree relates to Act No. 14 in 2008 regarding Public Information Disclosure, Presidential Regulation No. 95 in 2018 concerning Electronic-Based Government Systems, and Presidential Instruction No. 3 in 2003 concerning National Policies and Strategies for E-Government Development. The decree demands information system development, similar to https://covid19.go .id, which describes COVID-19 nationwide. The site explains what COVID-19 and data of the COVID-19 outspread with geolocation and digital map, which may attract public attention. The presidential instruction forces local governments to build an information system, which is in line with the site by the central government. This paper describes the development of the system using a spiral model. It involves a variety of free and open-source software such as CodeIgniter, Mapbox, Morris Chart, MySQL, and WordPress. The site has been operational, and it attracts 150 visitors a day with 200 visits per day. As of January 6, 2021, the website has recorded 89,852 views.


covid; graphics; mapping; geolocation; spiral

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