Architecture of Back Propagation Neural Network Model for Early Detection of Tendency to Type B Personality Disorders

Cynthia Hayat(1*), Samuel Limong(2), Noviyanti Sagala(3),

(1) Universitas Kristen Krida Wacana
(2) Universitas Kristen Krida Wacana
(3) Universitas Kristen Krida Wacana
(*) Corresponding Author


Personal disorder is a type of mental illness. People with personal disorder can not respond changes and demands of life in normal ways. Women with type B personal disorder tend to have high risk of violence. It is important to make early detetction of this personal disorder, so that it can be anticipated properly. This paper reports an architecture model of back propagation neural network (BPPN) for early detection of type B personal disorder. The back propagation process divided into two phases, i.e training and testing. The training process used 43 data and the testing process used 34 data. The output classified into 4 diagnosis category of type B personal disorder, I.e. anti social, borderline, histrionic, and narcissistics. The optimal parameters of BPPN model consist of maximum epoch of 1000, maximum mu of 10000000000, increase mu of 25, decrease mu of 0.1, and neuron hidden layer of 25. The MSE of training is 3.07E-14 and MSE of testing is 1.00E-03. The accuracy of training is 90.7%, while the accuracy of testing is 97.2%.


backpropagation; early detection; neural network; personality disorders

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