Usability Testing on QR Code Scanner Application for Lecture Presence

Eli Pujastuti(1*), Arif Dwi Laksito(2),

(1) Universitas AMIKOM Yogyakarta
(2) Universitas AMIKOM Yogyakarta
(*) Corresponding Author


Universities are obliged to facilitate lectures. Many students require universities to provide a fair teaching and learning services with a minimum of student cheating. In order to improve the quality of teaching and learning, each university develops a lecture presence system electronically. The QR code scanner application became a solution offered for leak problems that previously existed on the magnetic card system. Before the application applied on a large scale, developers needed to conduct an assessment of the usability of the QR scanner application. The assessment aimed to make lectures go smoothly and to maintain the good reputation of the university. The method used is usability testing. The result of this study is a usability system at the level of 65%. This value consists of an effectiveness value of 70%, an efficiency value of 54.31%, and a satisfaction value of 70.85%. The improvements of user interface recommended in this study include adding of placeholders to inform the correct NIM format, changing the QR scanner icon into a titled icon and choosing a stimulating color, providing a zoom feature on the scanner camera, and applying a more familiar logout icon according to the mental model of the user.


Usability Testing; Usability; Presence Application; QR Code Scanner

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