Demographic, Clinical, and Antiretroviral Regiment Treatment Characteristics of HIV/AIDS Patients at the Regional General Hospital of Central Papua

Siti Sitatul Mar’ah(1), Burhannudin Ichsan(2), Zakky Cholisoh(3*)

(1) Faculty of Pharmacy, University Muhammadiyah of Surakarta, Indonesia
(2) Faculty of Pharmacy, University Muhammadiyah of Surakarta, Indonesia
(3) Faculty of Pharmacy, University Muhammadiyah of Surakarta, Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author


The incidence of HIV infections in Papua is currently on the rise, primarily due to restricted access to antiretroviral treatment and insufficient support and care. Additionally, there is a lack of awareness among residents in rural or mountainous areas about HIV/AIDS infection, as provided by healthcare professionals. Until now, research data have been scarce on the demographic characteristics, clinical features, and treatment approaches for HIV/AIDS patients in the interior regions of Papua. This data is crucial for devising strategies aimed at enhancing healthcare services for individuals affected by HIV/AIDS.Consequently, this study endeavors to gain insights into the demographic characteristics, clinical features, and treatment modalities for HIV/AIDS patients at the Regional General Hospital of the Central Papua Region. It employs an observational descriptive approach, utilizing medical records of HIV/AIDS patients who visited the Central Papua Regional Government Hospital in June 2023. The findings indicate that, based on demographic data, the majority of patients were, on average, ≤25 years old (60.8%), male (52.5%), married (56.7%), and the highest number of HIV/AIDS cases were among secondary education graduates (40.8%). The majority were employed (67.5%) with incomes below the minimum wage threshold (69.2%). All heterosexual patients exhibited behavioral risk factors, and 4.2% had comorbidities such as hypertension. Tuberculosis was the most common opportunistic infection (17.5%). The highest proportion of individuals with HIV/AIDS were in stage II (66.7%). The predominant antiretroviral treatment regimen was a fixed-dose combination (FDC) containing Tenofovir 300mg, Lamivudine 300mg, and Efavirenz 600mg. The duration of use of ARV therapy in people with HIV / AIDS is at most 1 month.



Demographic Characteristics, Clinical characteristics, Treatment, HIV/AIDS

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