Wahyu Ardhi Bandono(1*), Samino Samino(2)

(*) Corresponding Author


The purpose of this study are (1) to describe the characteristics of the provision of
facilities and infrastructures; (2) to describe the characteristics distribution of facilities
and infrastructures; (3) too describe the characteristics of facilities and infrastructures
maintenance. This research uses qualitative research and ethnographic research design. Data
was collected through observation, interview, and documentation. Model analysis of the
data in this study uses cross-site analytical methods for description. The results of the
study are (1) Provision of facilities and infrastructure in 01 Tohudan Elementary School held
by planning needs of infrastructure were prepared at the start of the new academic year, along
with the preparation of the budget revenue and expenditure plan prepared in discussion of
school community which consists of principals, teachers, school committee, and the school
janitor. (2) The direct distribution applied the goods done at once, the items that have been
received and in inventoried directly distributed to the principal, teacher, or school guard.
While the indirect distribution is not completed at onces, so before the distribution completes,
it cannot be handed over to the concerned, in addition to the indirect distribution occur if there
are remaining infrastructure. (3) Maintenance of infrastructure study conducted by teachers
with students by keeping the facilities and infrastructure and put in the available space.
And if there is damage, the infrastructure which cannot be handled by the teacher, the teacher
reports verbally to the school principal and followed up with a written report to the principal.


procurement, distribution, maintenance, infrastructur

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