M.Fakhrur Saifudin(1*)

(*) Corresponding Author


This study aims to describe the development strategy of the skill in writing a narrative text with the
URW technique in the early Elementary School class. The research employed a descriptive-qualitative
approach. It describes and analyzes the learning strategies of writing a narrative text with the URW
techniques. The data in this study included the actions and documents concerning the planning,
implementation, and evaluation of learning. The data collection techniques used observation, interview,
documentation, and questionnaires. The validity of the data employed a triangulation of data or
source. The data analysis applied an interactive model: data reduction, data display, and conclusion
/ veri􀂿 cation. The analysis of quantitative data was used to determine the assessment of a narrative
writing skill with the URW techniques in the early primary school class. The results of this study show
that the URW techniques can be developed with a wide range, for example, the development of the Urai
techniques, the development of Time and Space techniques. The assessment of learning a narrative
writing skill with the URW techniques in class III of Primary Schools showed signi􀂿 cant improvement.
This can be seen in the analysis of the data from three locations showing an increase. The highest
increase was in SD Muhammadiyah Pajangan at 92%, Muhammadiyah Senggotan at 88% and SD
Muhammadiyah 3 Ambarketawang at 77%.


strategy, learning, and URW

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