Afdal Afdal(1*), Waston Waston(2),

(1) Lembaga Pencitraan Orientasi Pendidikan (LPOP) Indonesia
(2) Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
(*) Corresponding Author


Since established, Universal Declaracion of Human Rights (UDHR) upheld
as a global value by all the countries in the world. UDHR through the UN as a reference
as a common standard for measuring the level of success of a country in upholding
human rights. How this study focus on the implications of the secular epistemology
against the substance of the Universal Declaration Of Human Rights? and How does
Islam look at epistemology Universal Declaration Of Human Rights? To answer these
questions used the data of literature with a philosophical approach as research methods
and using several analytical tools such as interpretation, induction and deduction,
internal coherence, holistika and description. Results from this study indicate that the
secular epistemology epistemology UDHR as the foundation material implications
for cargo. Substance of the UDHR can be translated very freely and without limit
values mengabaiakan even religiosity. Humans are considered as central, source and
destination at the same time the fi nal orientation of each human behavior. Religion
and God are not regarded as something sacred, but only considered as a complement to
human life into the realm of free privatization adopted or not by each individual. Such a
view is contrary to Islam. Islam holds that religion and God is something that is sacred
and can not be separated from every facet of human life. God is central, as well as source
and destination end orientation every human behavior.
Keywords: epistemology; human rights; the Islamic human rights.

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