Arum Pratiwi(1*), Abi Muhlisin(2), Agus Sudaryanto(3), Sahuri Teguh kurniawan(4)

(*) Corresponding Author


PAKOM activities purpose to help resolve the community problem about suffering
from mental illnes. Patients recovering from a mental disorder burden in the family,
another result was isolated by society because they considered dangerouse. PAKOM
was conducted in a Nguter village of Sukoharjo district. These problems possibility
can be solved with build up the community mental health center. The purpose of this
activity is to create the community mental health center as a first home base and
rehabilitation services the mental illness in a community. Base on the health center
are expected the mentally ill patients able to socialize with the community, engaging
in activities in the community, as a result the patient’s quality of life better and impact
to the decreasing recurrence rate level mental disorders in the community.


Mental Disorders, Community Mental Health Services

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