Absori Absori(1*)

(1) Fakultas Hukum Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
(*) Corresponding Author


The problem of this public service is how to realize the autonomic
people power to do the advocate of environment in order to overcome
the environmental conflict. In the training of the advocate of environment,
the victims of pollution—most of them are farmers and low educated
people— are very enthusiastic to join the training. They are curious to
know how to struggle for their polluted environment as the result of the
misconduct of irresponsible companies. In the effort of this advocate of
environment, the NGO “Gita Pertiwi” also gives significant contribution.
It tends to cooperate with the society in order to do the advocating
process. Yet, the previous activity is conducting dialogues with the society
about the pollution problem. Besides, they attempt to facilitate the society
to figure and find out the solution of the problem.


Environment; society; advocate; lingkungan hidup; masyarakat; advokasi

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