Meningkatkan Pemahaman Masyarakat Untuk Hidup Sehat pada Masa Menopause

Dwi Rosella Komala Sari(1*)

(*) Corresponding Author


Levels of estrogen in menopausal draktis will decrease. This situation is further
facilitate the development of coronary disease, dementia, osteoporosis, hypertension
and others. This service activities aimed at increasing public understanding about
the menopause, due to continued menopouse, and prevention of advanced menopause
due to the way a healthy lifestyle, balanced nutrition and regular exercise. The target
of this activity is the mother PKK Village Tuwak Wetan RT 01 RW 01 Gonilan Sukoharjo
totaling 35 people. This service activities performed by the method of counseling,
which is done by the media approach with leaflets lecture and discussion. Before and
after the lectures conducted tests to determine the level of development of mothers.
Results showed that activity after counseling the average value of the knowledge of
mothers increased from 5.45 and pretes value postes value becomes 7.04, the minimum value of 2 to 5, and the maximum value of 8 to 10. In addition, the category of mothers who have good knowledge increased from 19% to 66% and vice versa less
knowledgeable (not both) from 81% down to 34%. Thus, there is increasing knowledge
of mothers about the menopause, prevention of menopause due to go live by the pattern
of healthy, balanced nutrition and regular exercise.


pendidikan kesehatan, ibu PKK, menopause



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