Siti Nurina Hakim(1*)

(1) Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
(*) Corresponding Author


his activity aims at proposing the contemplation and necessary
treatment to prepare workers in facing their retirement period so that they
may get rid of their anxiety which may disturb their life.  Therefore, the
management of an institution should give necessary training for their
workers to prepare their retirement period (MPP). This activity is conducted
using some methods as speech, discussion, and consultation. The solution
is taken from the participants since they are aware of their own needs, wants,
abilities and obstacles. The solution from the participants is expected to
be conducted and applied easily, since they obviously tend to obey the
commitment created by them. After conducting this activity, there are
some significant changes in discourse from the participants in terms of
retirement condition, the next activities to be committed and how to start
a new activity.


masa pensiun; post power syndrome; stase; penyesuaian; aktivitas

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