Pendidikan Literasi Media Pada Guru Tk Gugus Kasunanan sebagai Upaya Menanggulangi Dampak Negatif Televisi

Agus Triyono(1*)

(*) Corresponding Author


Television as part of the development of technology has been able to change the way
human life ranging from how to speak, dress, etc. chivalry ethics. Reality is there the
community is very far from what is called intelligent concept of media. Many parents
who do not pay attention to media consumption by their children and how much
impact negetif raised by TV. Efforts to revive awareness of members of the Society of
Teachers Kindergarten Cluster Mangkunegaran about the negative influence of TV
with the concept of media literacy is expected to be applied in everyday life, has been
able to open the horizons of thought participants to the impact of TV. Critical attitude
toward TV has begun to take shape that comes to the end they hope to have a real
action from the government to fix the TV programs in Indonesia.


media literasi, anak, sekolah

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