Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta Online Journals is the online journal portal managed by the Faculties, Departments, Research Centers, and other Units in the UMS campus.
As a center of education and research, UMS is committed to boost the quality and quantity of scientific articles in Indonesia through an online journal system facilities for the academic community in which UMS will publish and manage Periodicals Scientific Journals. This commitment is also part of UMS support for the policy of Higher Education in Indonesia to increase the number of scientific publications.
The journals published here is under monitoring and supervising from Lembaga Pengembangan Publikasi Ilmiah dan Buku Ajar Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta (LPPI UMS) to ensure the best-practice in journal management and publishing.
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Tajdida: Jurnal Pemikiran dan Gerakan Muhammadiyah
Tajdida: Jurnal Pemikiran dan Gerakan Muhammadiyah is published by Lembaga Pengembangan Pondok, Al-Islam dan Kemuhammadiyahan (LPPIK) Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta. |
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The Indonesian Journal of Legal Thought (IJLETH)
The Indonesian Journal of Legal Thought (IJLETH) is a scientific journal on legal thought in English which is published periodically by the Faculty of Law, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta. It is published twice every year, on March and September. The Indonesian Journal of Legal Thought (IJLETH) has a vision in developing legal thought. The Indonesian Journal of Legal Thought (IJLETH) accepts research papers on legal thought and also manuscripts on legal thought and theories. The Indonesian Journal of Legal Thought (IJLETH) accepts various fields of legal thought, such as legal philosophy, legal theory, legal method, legal politics, legal thought and policies, and also thoughts on International law and customary law.
Start from 2023, we are moving to our new website: https://journals2.ums.ac.id/index.php/ijleth/user/register
We invite you to submit your paper to Indonesian Journal of Legal Thought (IJLETH). Papers submission deadlines:
- Vol. 03 No.02 September 2023, submission deadline: 31 August 2023
Submit your manuscripts today through our online system! The authors should refer to The Indonesian Journal of Legal Thought (IJLETH) Author Guidelines and our word template in writing the manuscript. The authors are also encouraged to use Mendeley or Zotero Citation Manager in writing the manuscript.
Submitted papers are evaluated by anonymous referees for contribution, originality, relevance, and presentation. The Editor shall inform you of the results of the review as soon as possible.
If you have difficulties in submitting your article, you can contact our number at 082230291000 (Dr. Arief Budiono), or email IJLETH@ums.ac.id
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