Hermeneutic Epistemology (Comparative Study of Deconstruction of Derrida and Manhaj Tafsir Muhammadiyah)

Fitrah Hamdani(1*),

(1) Universitas Teknologi Sumbawa
(*) Corresponding Author
DOI: https://doi.org/10.23917/jtl.v4i2.21251


The development of qur'anic interpretation has had its ups and downs, especially during the inclusion of the role of reason in the tradition of classical interpretation. Initially, reason was used as an aid in the process of berijtihad, in order to find common ground between the text and the context so that the resulting meaning would correspond to what was needed. The use of reason will always have to do with the adoption of science. Through this process, approaches that are considered foreign (outside of Islam) are included as a logical consequence that Muslims must face. Such as the inclusion of hermeneutics as an approach in understanding the text of the Qur'an.

Based on these conditions, this paper tries to compare the hermeneutics of Derrida's deconstruction with the interpretive manhaj in Muhammadiyah through the frame of productive reading. This paper does not discuss hermeneutics as a concept of interpretation in general, but hermeneutics is seen through Derrida's theory of deconstruction.

This paper the author will use a comparative method by trying to compare Derrida's deconstruction theory at the stage of thinking in deconstruction with the manhaj system in Muhammadiyah with the aim of getting a clear picture of the epistemological basis of each approach in interpreting the text.



Keywords: Hermeneutics, Deconstruction and Manhaj Tarjih

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