Virtual Reality Visualization of Tongkonan Traditional House as Promotional Media for Cultural Tourism using ADDIE Model

Cynthia Hayat(1*), David Panggeso(2),

(1) Universitas Kristen Krida Wacana
(2) Universitas Kristen Krida Wacana
(*) Corresponding Author


Indonesia is a country that is rich in culture and customs. Indonesia also has great potential in the field of tourism, especially cultural tourism. The key to attracting tourist visitors lies in the information media provided. In this paper, a desktop-based application is developed with 3D virtual reality graphics model technology with Tongkonan traditional house from the Toraja tribe and their environment as the object. This 3D virtual reality visualization aims to be an interactive promotional media for the millennial generation in introducing cultural tourism, especially the Tongkonan traditional house of Toraja. In this application, the user can explore the traditional house objects as a whole – with the help of navigation control in the form of keyboard and mouse. The ADDIE model method was used in designing this desktop application. The user response test was used to measure respondents' attitudes toward the application using the Likert scale and succeeded in getting the very good category in 17 questionnaire statements and the good category in three questionnaire statements. Therefore, it can be concluded that the VR visualization of Tongkonan Traditional House can act as an interactive promotional media to the millennial generation.


3D virtual reality, traditional house, tongkonan, ADDIE model

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