Suwarno Suwarno Suwarno(1*), Wahyu Doko Ariyanto(2)(1) 
(*) Corresponding Author
This study aimed to describe the implementation of PPL (Professional and Teaching Practice
at School) for PGSD FKIP UMS students; PGSD students’ perception towards PPL.
This research is descriptive with qualitative approach. Sources of data in this study are
students, mentor teachers coordinator, and lecturers as PPL supervisor. Data collection
techniques used were questionnaires, interviews, and documentation. The questionnaire
were obtained from 60 students to determine VII semester PGSD FKIP UMS students’
perceptions about PPL 2013. Interviews were conducted to students who had attended
the PPL, coordinator of mentor teachers, and lecturers.. Data analysis techniques performed
interactively. The validity of the data used triangulation technique. Based on the
results of research conducted by researchers at the school with good quality, medium, and
regular shows that the number of 35 or 58.33 % of the students expressed that one poin to
be improved is in terms of the time of registration. A number of 50 or 83.33 % of the
students stated that in the partner schools do not have science labs and learning of mathematics
as a suggestion. A total of 60 or 100 % of students stated that the performance of
mentor teachers’ coordinator in carrying out the task was quite good. Some 21 or 31 % of
students stated that some mentor teachers were still using conventional learning strategies
or unable to model an active and innovative teachers for the student-teachers. A
total of 40 or 66.67 % of the students stated that the performance of the supervisors needs
to be improved, especially to guide students in preparing and developing student-teachers’
learning program at school and in assisting them writing final report of PPL. A number of
41 or 68.33 % of the students stated that it is mandatory to give a memento to the partner
school. Some 57 or 95 % of students stated that students are required to have teaching
practice exams at partner school. It was concluded that the good cooperation between
the organizers of the PPL, students, supervisors, teacher and mentor teacher coordinator
to facilitate the implementation of the PPL .
at School) for PGSD FKIP UMS students; PGSD students’ perception towards PPL.
This research is descriptive with qualitative approach. Sources of data in this study are
students, mentor teachers coordinator, and lecturers as PPL supervisor. Data collection
techniques used were questionnaires, interviews, and documentation. The questionnaire
were obtained from 60 students to determine VII semester PGSD FKIP UMS students’
perceptions about PPL 2013. Interviews were conducted to students who had attended
the PPL, coordinator of mentor teachers, and lecturers.. Data analysis techniques performed
interactively. The validity of the data used triangulation technique. Based on the
results of research conducted by researchers at the school with good quality, medium, and
regular shows that the number of 35 or 58.33 % of the students expressed that one poin to
be improved is in terms of the time of registration. A number of 50 or 83.33 % of the
students stated that in the partner schools do not have science labs and learning of mathematics
as a suggestion. A total of 60 or 100 % of students stated that the performance of
mentor teachers’ coordinator in carrying out the task was quite good. Some 21 or 31 % of
students stated that some mentor teachers were still using conventional learning strategies
or unable to model an active and innovative teachers for the student-teachers. A
total of 40 or 66.67 % of the students stated that the performance of the supervisors needs
to be improved, especially to guide students in preparing and developing student-teachers’
learning program at school and in assisting them writing final report of PPL. A number of
41 or 68.33 % of the students stated that it is mandatory to give a memento to the partner
school. Some 57 or 95 % of students stated that students are required to have teaching
practice exams at partner school. It was concluded that the good cooperation between
the organizers of the PPL, students, supervisors, teacher and mentor teacher coordinator
to facilitate the implementation of the PPL .
perceptions, students, PPL (Professional adn Teaching Practice at School
Full Text:
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