Pelatihan penerapan pembelajaran “PAIKEM” Bagi Guru Sekolah Dasar Muhammadiyah di Desa Randu, Kec. Subah, Kab. Batang Tahun 2010
Zaenal Abidin(1*)(1) 
(*) Corresponding Author
national education, that the national education functioned to develop the ability, to
build character, and to raise the value of national civilization in order to brighten
national life. Its goal is to develop the potential of the student in order to be a faithful
and pious person toward God the One, to have the good moral, to be healthy, learned,
be capable, creative, autonomous, and to become a democrative and responsible
Desa Randu, Kecamatan Subah is the supportive area in Kabupaten Batang. Desa Randu is one of the Branch of Muhammadiyah which quite progressive in Kecamatan Subah, but most of the school development in Kecamatan Subah not welldeveloped yet.
In order to fulfill the need, so it necessary to held a training and teaching practices in Microteaching that conditioned as the active learning to the teacher especially the private teachers (Muhammadiyah) with the materials designed by and for the teacher in Teaching and Learning Process.
The method used to realizationing this program is in form of training to design PAIKEM Learning (Active, innovative, creative, effective, and exciting) for teacher
in SMP Darul Hijrah Desa Randu, Kecamatan Subah Kabupaten Batang.
After training, the teacher feel the benefit of participative learning model also
they feel happy about the training.
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