Sekar Nugraheni(1*), Ali Imron Al-Ma'ruf(2), Main Sufanti(3)(1) 
(*) Corresponding Author
The purpose of this research is to describe the dimension of sufistic in of short
story “O, Jiwa yang Edan” masterpieces of Danarto with semiotic evaluation. The
result of the sufistic dimension in a short story “O, Jiwa yang Edan” is on the
tasawuf, terminology, understanding and hierarchy in tasawuf. At tasawuf hierarchy
there are four steps which much be passed by that: (1) syari’at, (2) tarikat, (3)
hakikat, and (4) makrifat. In the short story of “O, Jiwa yang Edan” the four steps
started from the tarikat described by leaving of enjoyment world. While the hakikat
described that any creature will go home to the God. Makrifat is if someone become
to recognize the reality of Allah. The understanding of tasawuf used by the
author of short story is wahdatul syuhud.
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